Our Treatments
Liberty House Community Acupuncture
What is Liberty House Community Acupuncture?
Low cost $40, high quality Acupuncture health care, in a group setting.
Serving all members of our community in their time of difficulty and challenge is a passion and responsibility that Loudon holds close. Because of this he created Liberty House Community Acupuncture where he provides low cost treatments to those members of the community in need.
This service allows everyone in the community the opportunity to experience the healing benefits of acupuncture treatment. Some people prefer this style of treatment as they can afford to come very regularly and take advantage of the amazing healing qualities of acupuncture which magnify over time. Whilst the treatment is in a group setting, it is quiet, peaceful and calming.
At Liberty House Community Acupuncture you will be seated in a comfortable reclining chair or laying on a treatment table and will not need to disrobe. It is recommended to wear loose fitting clothing so that sleeves and pant legs can be rolled up. Dr Loudon will listen carefully to your concerns in a brief consultation and will then begin the treatment. He will divide his attention between yourself and other patients present, but most importantly you will just be able to relax quietly and enjoy the feel good endorphins produced by your acupuncture treatment.
Note: Community Acupuncture may not be the best fit for everyone, especially if you like the privacy of being treated one-on-one. In that case it is best to book a private consultation with Dr Loudon.